Designer: Alan Y. L. Chan
Site: Jersey City, New Jersey. USA
Program: Townhouse conversion
and renovation
Total square footage: 3000 sq ft
A substantially transformed renovation of a three-story brownstone in Jersey City provides spectacular views of the downtown area. This 3000 sq. ft. one- family townhouse has been gutted, reconfigured, and transformed into a two family home with two separate entries. The top two floors serve as a three bedroom, two-bath unit, and the bottom floor serves as a one-bedroom, one-bath unit which connects to the backyard and parking area. Skylights were added to the roof of the top floor and to the addition of the bottom floor to provide quality natural light throughout. Existing brick-bearing walls are exposed and revived to provide warmth and character to the space. A new staircase (design style preferred by client) was added to connect the two- level spaces.